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Today's state of the art parallel programming models used for implementing general purpose distributed applications suffer from limitations concerning a clean separation of the computational part and the ``glue'' that coordinates the overall distributed application. Especially these limitations make a distributed implementation of autonomy-based multi-agent models, our concern, a burdensome task. To study problems related to coordination, Malone [Malone and Crowston1994] introduced a new theory called coordination theory aimed at defining such a ``glue''. The key issue of coordination is managing dependencies among activities. To formalize and better describe these interdependencies it is necessary to separate the computation and the coordination of a parallel application [N. Carriero and D. Gelernter1992]. The research in this area has led to the definition of several coordination models and corresponding coordination languages, whose most prominent representative is Linda [Gelernter1985]. Other models and languages are based on message passing paradigms [Agha et al.1993], object-oriented techniques [Kielmann1996], multi-set rewriting schemes [Banâtre and Métayer1993] or control-driven models [Arbab et al. 1993].

Chantemargue Fabrice
Thu Mar 12 11:42:01 MET 1998