VO 501.054 & UE 501.096:
Introduction to AI
2 SSt.=4 ECTS (VO) & 1 SSt.=1 ECTS (UE)
(WS 2023/24-)

Start: Tuesday, October 3, 2023, 10:00 (sharp!)

Tuesdays, 10:00-10:45 (UE debriefing) and 11:00-12:30 (VO lecture)

⚠️︎ Location of first three units: ⚠️︎
Seminar room of OFAI,
Freyung 6 / Stiege 6 / 7
(third floor, no elevator!)


Regular location, starting Tue 2023-10-24:
Seminar room of the
Institute of Artificial Intelligence and Decision support (AID) of the MUW
Währinger Straße 25a, 1090 Vienna
(ground floor, on the right)


Paolo Petta
Email: intro-ai-2023 (at( ofai.at
(Webex) Office hours on request

MEi:CogSci, Universität Wien &

Medizinische Universität Wien,
Section for Artificial Intelligence and Decision Support (AID)
the Center for Medical Statistics, Informatics, and Intelligent Systems (CeMSIIS) &

Austrian Research Institute for Artificial Intelligence (OFAI)

Last change:
Mon, 2023-10-02 00:37:40 (UTC)

Table of contents

Organisational matters

Location of classes
Because of resource limitations at MUW during the first weeks of the semester, the first three course units (2023-10-03 through 2023-10-17) will be hosted by OFAI, at Freyung 6 / Stiege 6 / 7 (third floor, no elevator!)
Differing Academic Calendars Univie vs. MUW
This course is offered through the Medical University of Vienna (MUW): please note that the academic calendar of the MUW differs from the one of the University of Vienna: in particular, there will be a class unit on Tue, December 19, 2023!
Registration (Med.Campus, Medical University of Vienna, MUW)
E-Mail communication concerning the courses
→ E-Mail from you → to me:
← E-Mail to you ← from me:
Access to the online course unit sessions and course materials (lecture slides and exercises):
(Details on the course moodle)

Other Relevant Web Sites

The following collection does not attempt to stay abreast of current tumultuous developments; still: suggestions for additions, corrections, and comments are always welcome!
Unless specified, all URLs last checked on 2023-09-24.


Paolo Petta
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