SAB'98 Workshop

Grounding Emotions in Adaptive Systems

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Vyacheslav L. Kalmykov

Institute of Cell Biophysics Russian Academy of Sciences
Pushchino, Moscow Region 142292, Russia

Robot Statology - Operational Understanding of Emotions To Be Embedded In a Robot

All spectrum of emotions (about emotional spectrum see the workshop's abstract of Dr. Christopher Nehaniv) - from thin aesthetic perception up to rough fits of passion, connected with fear, sex, aggression, famine can be interpreted from the uniform point of view. In a counterbalance to opinion of the workshop participant Dr. Tadashi Kitamura), I think that it is possible to give a precise definition of emotions to be embedded in a robot. The theory of emotions of robots may be called the theory of possible stationary states of robots or ``Robot Statology''.

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paolo petta
Last modified: Mon Jun 29 15:44:29 MET DST 1998