OFAI's Arthur Flexer is giving a tutorial on Statistical Analysis of Results in Music Information Retrieval: Why and How together with Julian Urbano at ISMIR …
OFAI's project on acoustic monitoring of biodiversity - aMOBY - has been covered in the WIENWISSEN 1/18 magazine.
OFAI's Arthur Flexer is giving a talk on "Objectifying the subjective and learning of prejudice by machines" at the Workshop "Im Netz der Sinne" in …
OFAI's Brigitte Krenn presents a multimodal data set for grounded language learning -- The Action Verb Corpus -- at LREC, Miyazaki, Japan.
OFAI's project on acoustic monitoring of biodiversity - aMOBY - has been covered in the HEUREKA 2/18 magazine of the weekly newspaper "Der Falter".
Friedrich Neubarth represents OFAI at Lange Nacht der Forschung, Station: Roboter zähmen leicht gemacht.
OFAI's Brigitte Krenn and Friedrich Neubarth present work on "Lexicon Learning from Modality Rich Input" at the CHIST-ERA Projects Seminar in Paris, France.
OFAI's Brigitte Krenn and Friedrich Neubarth give a lecture on "Multimodal corpora for crossmodal grounded language learning" at the CHIST-ERA HLU Master Class on Human …