SIESTA aimed at extensive novel research on the architecture of nocturnal human sleep, as well as the development and evaluation of advanced methods for sleep analysis, based on polygraphic measurements. The main need for a novel standard of modeling sleep comes from the limits of the only widely accepted standard -- a sleep manual according to Rechtschaffen & Kales -- and the increasing dissatisfaction with it among clinicians. SIESTA aimed at a computerized system for analysing sleep that

Sleep analysis is of vital importance for the diagnosis and treatment of various kinds of sleep disturbances and psychiatric or neurological disorders. Chronic disturbed sleep has a decisive influence on health. If sleep is not able to fulfil its functions of alleviating tiredness, this can influence behaviour and mood during the day, causing inefficiency at work, absenteeism, or even accidents. Furthermore, disturbed sleep will also influence the severity of diseases. By improving the basis for monitoring and treatment of sleep disturbances, SIESTA greatly contributes to the improvement of European public health, and the efficiency of its workforce.