SIESTA publications

Peer reviewed journals

Peer-reviewed conference proceedings

Meeting abstracts

Technical Reports

Peer reviewed journals

Anderer P, Roberts S, Schlogl A, Gruber G, Klosch G, Herrmann W, Rappelsberger,P, Filz O, Barbanoj MJ, Dorffner G, Saletu B. Artifact processing in computerized analysis of sleep EEG - a review. Neuropsychobiology  1999 Sep;40(3): 150-7

Anderer P, Klosch G, Gruber G, Trenker E, Pascual-Marqui RD, Zeitlhofer J, Barbanoj MJ, Rappelsberger P, Saletu B. Low-resolution brain electromagnetic tomography revealed simultaneously active frontal and parietal sleep spindle sources in the human cortex. Neuroscience  2001;103(3): 581-92 .

Flexer A., Dorffner G., Sykacek P., Rezek I. An automatic, continuous and probabilistic sleep stager based on a hidden markov model. Applied Artificial Intelligence 2002, 16(3): 199-207.[available online]

Grozinger M, Fell J, Roschke J. Neural net classification of REM sleep based on spectral measures as compared to nonlinear measures. Biol Cybern  2001 Nov;85(5): 335-41.

Himanen, S.-L., Saastamoinen, A., Hasan, J. Increasing the temporal resolution by visual adaptive scoring (VAS). Sleep and Hypnosis, 1: 22-28.

Himanen, S.-L., Hasan, J.: Limitations of Rechtschaffen and Kales, Sleep Medicine Reviews 2000 4(2) 149-167.

Himanen SL, Virkkala J, Huhtala H, Hasan J. Spindle frequencies in sleep EEG show U-shape within first four NREM sleep episodes. J Sleep Res  2002 Mar;11(1): 35-42.

Huupponen E, Himanen SL, Varri A, Hasan J, Lehtokangas M, Saarinen J. A study on gender and age differences in sleep spindles. Neuropsychobiology  2002;45(2): 99-105.

Huupponen E, Himanen SL, Varri A, Hasan J, Saastamoinen A, Lehtokangas M, Saarinen J. Fuzzy detection of EEG alpha without amplitude thresholding. Artif Intell Med  2002 Feb;24(2): 133-47.

Huupponen E, Varri A, Himanen SL, Hasan J, Lehtokangas M, Saarinen. Optimization of sigma amplitude threshold in sleep spindle detection. J Sleep Res  2000 Dec;9(4): 327-34.

Huupponen E, Varri A, Himanen SL, Hasan J, Lehtokangas M, Saarinen J. Autoassociative MLP in sleep spindle detection. J Med Syst  2000 Jun;24(3): 183-93.

Kemp, B., Zwinderman, A.H., Tuk, B., Kamphuisen, H.A., Oberyé, J.J. Analysis of a sleep-dependent neuronal feedback loop: the slow-wave microcontinuity of the EEG, IEEE Transactions on Bio-Medical Engineering 2000, 47 (9) 1185-1194.

Kemp, B., Zwinderman, A.H., Tuk, B., Kamphuisen, H.A., Oberyé, J.J. Model-based delta plots beat power-based ones. Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology 1999. Supplement, 50, 1999, 341-348.

Klösch G, Kemp B, Penzel T, Schlögl A, Rappelsberger P, Trenker E, Gruber G, Zeitlhofer J, Saletu B, Herrmann WM, Himanen SL, Kunz D, Barbanoj MJ, Röschke J, Varri A, Dorffner G. The SIESTA project polygraphic and clinical database. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Magazine 2001, 20(3): 51-57.

Penzel, T. and R. Conradt. Computer based sleep recording and analysis. Sleep Medicine Reviews 2000 4(2) 131-148.

Penzel T, Kemp B, Klösch G, Schlögl A, Hasan J, Varri A, Korhonen I. Acquisition of biomedical signals databases. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Magazine 2001, 20(3): 25-32.

Rappelsberger P, Trenker E, Rothman C, Gruber G, Sykacek P, Roberts S, Klösch G, Zeitlhofer J, Anderer P, Saletu B, Schlögl A, Värri A, Kemp B, Penzel T, Herrmann WM, Hasan J, Barbanoj MJ, Kunz D, Dorffner G. Das Projekt SIESTA. Klinische Neurophysiologie 2001, 32(2): 76-88.

Rezek IA, Roberts SJ. Stochastic complexity measures for physiological signal analysis. IEEE Trans Biomed Eng  1998 Sep;45(9): 1186-91.

Roberts, S., R. Everson & I. Rezek. Maximum Certainty Data Partitioning. Pattern Recognition 2000, 33(5) 833-839.

Schlögl, A., B. Kemp, T. Penzel, D. Kunz, S.-L. Himanen, A. Värri, G. Dorffner, G. Pfurtscheller. Quality Control of polysomnographic Sleep Data by Histogram and Entropy Analysis. Clin Neurophysiol  1999 Dec;110(12): 2165-70.

Varri A, Kemp B, Penzel T, Schlögl A. Standards for biomedical signal databases. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Magazine 2001, 20(3): 33-37.

Peer-reviewed conference proceedings

Roberts, S., R. Everson & I. Rezek (1999). Minimum entropy data partitioning. In ICANN-99, Proceedings of the International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks, IEE, 1999.

Sykacek P., Roberts S., Rezek I., Flexer A., Dorffner G.: A Probabilistic Approach to High-Resolution Sleep Analysis, in Dorffner G., et al.(eds.), Artificial Neural Networks - ICANN 2001, International Conference, Vienna, Austria, Lecture Notes In Computer Science 2130, Springer, pp. 617-624, 2001.[available online at]

Penzel, T., A. Bunde, J. Heitmann, J.W. Kantelhart, J.H. Peter, K. Voigt (1999), Sleep stage-dependent heart rate variability in patients with obstructive sleep apnea, in IEEE Proceedings Computers in Cardiology.

Meeting abstracts

Anderer, P., G. Klösch, G. Gruber, E. Trenker, R.D. Pascual-Marqui, J. Zeitlhofer, M.J. Barbanoj, P. Rappelsberger and B. Saletu (1999), Low-resolution brain electromagnetic tomography (LORETA) revealed simultaneously active frontal and parietal sleep spindle generators, 3rd Int. Congress of WFSRS, 5-8 Oct. 1999, Dresden.

Böhnel, M., M. Pregenzer, M. Woertz, P. Rappelsberger and G. Pfurtscheller (1999), A non parametric method for calculating a posteriori probabilities of sleep spindles in EEG data (extended abstract). Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing, Supplement 2. Proceedings of EMBEC '99, November 4-7, Vienna, Austria, 1999.

Everson, R., I. Rezek, P. Anderer, A. Schloegl (1999), Tracking ICA for EEG Eye Movement Artifact Removal (extended abstract). Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing, Supplement 2. Proceedings of EMBEC '99, November 4-7, Vienna, Austria, 1999.

Flexer A., Sykacek P., Rezek I., Dorffner G.: Using hidden Markov models to build an automatic continuous and probabilistic sleep stager for the SIESTA project (extended abstract). Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing, Supplement 2. Proceedings of EMBEC '99, November 4-7, Vienna, Austria, 1999.

Harke, K.C., A. Schlögl, P. Anderer, G. Pfurtscheller (1999), Cardiac field artifact in sleep EEG (extended abstract). Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing, Supplement 2. Proceedings of EMBEC '99, November 4-7, Vienna, Austria, 1999.

Huupponen, E., Alpo Värri, Joel Hasan, Sari-Leena Himanen, Mikko Lehtokangas and Jukka Saarinen (1999), Fuzzy reasoning based sleep spindle detection, FINSIG’99 Finnish signal processing symposium, Oulu, Finland, May the 31st, 1999.

Huupponen, E., A. Värri, J. Hasan, S.-L. Himanen, M. Lehtokangas and J. Saarinen (1999), Sleep spindle detection with fuzzy rules, Sosiaali- ja terveydenhuollon tietotekniikan tutkimuksen päivät (National symposium on research in health informatics), Turku, Finland, 17.-18.8.1999

Klösch, G., S. Parapatics, B. Holzinger, G. Gruber, B. Saletu, M. Barbanoj, J. Lorenzo, D. Kunz, J. Zeitlhofer (1999), Dream recall in healthy subjects: Are there any differences between males and females?, 3rd Int. Congress of WFSRS, 5-8 Oct. 1999, Dresden.

Koivuluoma, M., A. Värri and A. Flexer (1999), EOG- ja EMG-signaalien analysointi SIESTA-projektissa, Sosiaali- ja terveydenhuollon tietotekniikan tutkimuksen päivät (National symposium on research in health informatics), Turku, Finland, 17.-18.8.1999

Penzel, T., G. Dorffner, J. Hasan, B. Kemp, A. Schlögl, A. Värri, M. Barbanoj, W.M. Herrmann, J. Röschke, P. Rappelsberger, S. Roberts, K.D. Nielsen, B. Saletu, J. Zeitlhofer (1999), A new standard of modelling sleep based on polysomnograms, GMDS and ICSB Medical Informatics, clinical biostatistics and epidemiology for efficient health care and medical research, proceedings, Heidelberg, Sep. 1999, p. 329.

Penzel, T., G. Dorffner, S.L. Himanen, B. Kemp, A. Schlögl, S. Roberts, A. Värri, M. Barbanoj, W.M. Herrmann, P. Rappelsberger, B. Saletu, J. Zeitlhofer (1999), A muli-center study to develop a new standard of computer based sleep analysis, Determinants of vigilance in the circadian system, Fort Lauderdale, Oct. 1999.

Pregenzer M., Roberts S. and Pfurtscheller G. (1999), Comparison of different EEG parameters with DSLVQ (extended abstract). Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing, Supplement 2. Proceedings of EMBEC '99, November 4-7, Vienna, Austria, 1999.

Rappelsberger, P., E. Trenker, J. Hajek, J. Zeitlhofer and G. Dorffner (1998), Automatic detection of sleep spindles with artificial neural networks. Proc. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Klinische Neurophysiologie, Oktober 1998, Göttingen.

Schlögl, A., P. Anderer, S.J. Roberts, M. Pregenzer, G. Pfurtscheller. (1999), Artifact detection in sleep EEG by the use of Kalman filtering (extended abstract). Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing, Supplement 2. Proceedings of EMBEC '99, November 4-7, Vienna, Austria, 1999.

Schlögl, A., P. Anderer, M.-J. Barbanoj, G. Klösch, G. Gruber, J.L. Lorenzo, O. Filz, M. Koivuluoma, I. Rezek, S.J. Roberts, A. Värri, P. Rappelsberger, G. Pfurtscheller, G. Dorffner. (1999), Artifact processing of the sleep EEG in the "SIESTA"-project (extended abstract). Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing, Supplement 2. Proceedings of EMBEC '99, November 4-7, Vienna, Austria, 1999.

Schlögl, A., P. Anderer, M.-J. Barbanoj, G. Dorffner, G. Gruber, G. Klösch, J.L. Lorenzo, P. Rappelsberger, G. Pfurtscheller. (1999c), Artifacts in the sleep EEG - A database for the evaluation of automated processing methods. 3rd Int. Congress of WFSRS, 5-8 Oct. 1999, Dresden.

Sykacek P., Roberts S.J., Rezek I., Flexer A., Dorffner G.: Reliability in preprocessing – Bayes rules SIESTA (extended abstract). Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing, Supplement 2. Proceedings of EMBEC '99, November 4-7, Vienna, Austria, 1999.

Sykacek P., Roberts S.J., Rezek I., Flexer A., Dorffner G.: Bayesian wrappers versus conventional filters: Feature subset selection in the SIESTA project (extended abstract). Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing, Supplement 2. Proceedings of EMBEC '99, November 4-7, Vienna, Austria, 1999.

Sykacek P., Roberts S.J., Rezek I., Flexer A., Dorffner G.: Classification in the sampling paradigm: A predictive approach towards a SIESTA sleep analyzer. Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing, Supplement 2. Proceedings of EMBEC '99, November 4-7, Vienna, Austria, 1999.

Woertz, M., A. Schlögl, E. Trenker, P. Rappelsberger, G. Pfurtscheller. Spindle Filter Optimisation with Receiver Operating Characteristics-Curves. Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing, Supplement 2. Proceedings of EMBEC '99, November 4-7, Vienna, Austria, 1999.

Technical Reports

Flexer A., Sykacek P., Rezek I., Dorffner G.: Using Hidden Markov Models to build an automatic, continuous and probabilistic sleep stager for the SIESTA project. Technical report. Oesterreichisches Forschungsinstitut fuer Artificial Intelligence, Wien, TR-99-15, 1999.
[available online at]

Flexer A., Sykacek P., Rezek I., Dorffner G.: Using Hidden Markov Models to build an automatic, continuous and probabilistic sleep stager. Technical report. Oesterreichisches Forschungsinstitut fuer Artificial Intelligence, Wien, TR-99-21, 1999.
[available online at]

Flexer A., Sykacek P., Rezek I., Dorffner G.: An automatic, continuous and probabilistic sleep stager based on a Hidden Markov Model.  Technical report. Oesterreichisches Forschungsinstitut fuer Artificial Intelligence, Wien, TR-2001-35, 2001.
[available online at]

Flexer A., Gruber G., Dorffner G.: Continuous unsupervised sleep staging based on a single EEG signal. Technical Report, Österreichisches Forschungsinstitut für Artificial Intelligence, Wien, TR-2002-03, 2002
[available online at]

Flexer A., Gruber G., Dorffner G.: Improvements on continuous unsupervised sleep staging. Technical Report, Österreichisches Forschungsinstitut für Artificial Intelligence, Wien, TR-2002-24, 2002
[available online at]

Sykacek P.: Bayesian Inference for Reliable Biomedical Signal processing. Technical Report, Österreichisches Forschungsinstitut für Artificial Intelligence, Wien, TR-2001-24, 2001.
[available online at]

Sykacek P., Dorffner G., Rappelsberger P., Zeitlhofer J.: Improving biosignal processing through modeling uncertainty: Bayes vs. non-Bayes in sleep staging. Technical Report, Österreichisches Forschungsinstitut für Artificial Intelligence, Wien, TR-2001-25, 2001
[available online at]