GATE Scripting Language plugin V0.01

This plugin was created as part of the SEMPRE project.

This is a GATE plugin that makes it possible to use one of several scripting languages withing GATE, both in an interactive console and for writing processing resources for pipelines. The following scripting languages are currently supported: JRuby, Jython, Javascript, Groovy. However, only JRuby support has been tested and only for JRuby do exist supporting scripts.


Current version: V0.01 2008-02-13

You can download the plugin as

INSTALLATION: the distribution contains a precompiled version compiled with Sun JDK 1.6.0_04 under Linux. This should work with other OS or Java versions, but if not, the package can be recompiled in the standard way with a simple ant command.

NOTE: the installation requires a non-standard extra step: after unpacking the archive, be sure to copy all files from the lib directory to the lib directory of your GATE installation!
After unpacking the plugin and copying the files, within GATE go to File->Manage Creole Plugins, press the "Add new CREOLE repository" button and select the directory you have just created.

After the plugin has been loaded this way, you should find the new language resources "OFAI Groovy Console", "OFAI JRuby Console", "OFAI Javascript Console" and "OFAI Jython Console" in the "New" menu for language resources and "OFAI Groovy PR", "OFAI JRuby PR", "OFAI Javascript PR", and "OFAI Jython PR" in the "New" menu for processing resources.


This software is provided as is without any warranties, guarantees etc. whatsoever. However the author is happy to receive feedback, bug reports etc and will try to answer as soon as possible. Send email to johann[DOT]petrak(AT)ofai[DOT]at.


As an extension of the original GATE code, this is made available under the GNU General Publice License

See also: Other GATE Plugins and Resources