Agent Construction and Emotions (ACE 2006):
Modeling the Cognitive Antecedents and Consequences of Emotion

A  HUMAINE  Workshop

Chairs: Jonathan Gratch, Stacy Marsella, and Paolo Petta


Symposium M at the
18th European Meeting on Cybernetics and Systems Research (EMCSR 2006)

April 18-19, 2006, Vienna, Austria (EU)

Table of Contents


 February 24, 2006
 February 22, 2006
 February 7, 2006
 January 13, 2006
 October 11, 2005
 August 19, 2005


This workshop seeks submissions exploring the argument that theories of human emotion provide essential insight into the design and control of intelligent entities in general. As computational models of intelligence move beyond simple, static and nonsocial problem solving, research must increasingly confront the challenge of how to allocate and focus mental resources in the face of competing goals, disparate and asynchronous mental functions, and a changing interpersonal and physical environment. Contemporary psychological and neuroscience research suggests that the emotions service such needs in biological organisms and a functional analysis of emotion's impact can profitably inform the design of artificial organisms that must survive in a dynamic, semi-predictable and social world. This workshop builds on a series of prior workshops that seek to deepen and concretise this claim.

Cognitive scientists have long argued that emotional influences that seem irrational on the surface have important social and cognitive functions that would be required by any intelligent system. For example, Herb Simon theorised that emotions serve to interrupt normal cognition when unattended goals require servicing. Robert Frank argues that social emotions such as anger and guilt reflect a mechanism that improves group utility by minimising social conflicts, and thereby explains people's "irrational" choices to cooperate in social games such as the prisoner's dilemma. Similarly, Alfred Mele claims that "emotional biases" such as wishful thinking reflect a rational mechanism that more accurately accounts for social costs, such as the cost of betrayal when a parent defends a child despite strong evidence of their guilt in a crime. At the same time, findings on non-conscious judgments (e.g., Bargh; Gollwitzer; Schwarz&Clore) have enriched our understanding of how cognitive style is shaped by the socio-emotional context, often in adaptive ways. More broadly, appraisal theorists such as Lazarus, Frijda and Scherer have argued that emotions are intimately connected with how organisms sense events, relate them to internal needs (e.g., is this an opportunity or a threat?), characterise appropriate responses (e.g., fight, flight or plan) and recruit the cognitive, physical and social resources needed to adaptively respond.

Recent years have seen an explosion of interest in using such findings to a wide array of computational problems including action selection, resource allocation, multi-agent coordination and the management of beliefs and intentions. The object of this workshop will be to strengthen the growing interdisciplinary synthesis between computational and psychological research on the role the emotions play in modeling intelligent behavior.


The workshop will explore the intersection of emotion theory and intelligent system design, and the potential for this intersection to improve our understanding of both human and artificial intelligence. In particular, we seek to emphasise the interplay between emotion and deep models of cognition in adaptively navigating complex physical and social environments. This places an emphasis on psychological paradigms that stress cognitive processes, such as appraisal theory, computational systems that model the cognitive antecedents and consequences of emotion, and research that models emotion-evoking social and task environments.

Specific topics of interest include:

Organising Committee

Jonathan GratchUniversity of Southern California
Stacy MarsellaUniversity of Southern California
Paolo PettaCenter for Brain Research, Medical University of Vienna &
Austrian Research Institute for Artificial Intelligence

HUMAINE   EU FP6 Human Machine Interaction Network on Emotions

Programme Committee

Further Information

For information about registration and accommodation, see the EMCSR 2006 Web site (<URL:>)

Accepted Papers

Symposium Schedule

TUESDAY, 18.4.2006
13:50-14:00Welcome (Jonathan Gratch & Stacy Marsella & Paolo Petta)
14:00-15:30Session 1:
Download Presentation (PDF) Affective Cognitive Learning and Decision Making: The Role of Emotions
Hyungil Ahn, Rosalind W. Picard
  A Surprise-based Agent Architecture
Luis Macedo, Amilcar Cardoso, Rainer Reisenzein
Download Presentation (PDF) A Cognitive Architecture Theory of Comprehension and Appraisal
Robert P. Marinier III, John E. Laird
15:30-16:00Coffee Break
16:00-18:00Session 2:
Download Presentation (PDF) Invited Talk: Affective Emergence
Gerald L. Clore
Download Presentation (PDF) Emotions as Metarepresentational States of Mind
Rainer Reisenzein
Download Presentation (PDF) Investigating The Automaticity of Constructive Appraisals
Agnes Moors
19:30-21:00Manfred Clynes: Live concert
WEDNESDAY, 19.4.2006
11:00-13:00Session 3:
Download Presentation (PDF) The Discourse of Inference: using language to gain cultural collaborators
Dave Billinge, Tom Addis
  Some Studies for Modeling the Expression of Emotion
Susanne Kaiser, Thomas Wehrle
Download Presentation (PDF) Facial Displays, Emotional Expressions and Conversational Acts
Dirk Heylen
13:00-14:00Lunch Break
14:00-15:30Session 4:
Download Presentation (PDF) Seriously Socially Situated Agents: 10 Theses and 4 Questions
Sabine Payr
Download Presentation (PDF) Shame drives social cohesion
Klaus Jaffe
Download Presentation (PDF) Comparability is Key to Assess Affective Architectures
Stefan Rank, Paolo Petta
15:30-16:00Coffee Break
16:00-18:00Session 5:
Download Presentation (PDF) Formalizing Cognitive Appraisal: From Theory to Computation
Joost Broekens, Doug DeGroot
Download Presentation (PDF) EMA: A computational model of appraisal dynamics
Stacy Marsella, Jonathan Gratch
Download Presentation (PDF) Modeling What Happens Between Emotional Antecedents and Emotional Consequents
W. Scott Neal Reilly
Wrap up discussion
FRIDAY, 21.4.2006
09:30-11:00EMCSR Plenary Talk:
Download Presentation (PDF) Affective Guidance of Intelligent Agents: How Emotion Controls Cognition
Gerald L. Clore

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