I am now an Assistant Professor at Drexel University in Philadephia.
Please visit for up-to-date information. This page currently reflects the state at the beginning of 2013.
email: | stefan(DOT)rank(AT)ofai(DOT)at (substitute ;-) |
web: | |
web: | |
web: | profile on Google Scholar, ResearchGate, |
titleprefix: | Dipl.Ing. Dr.techn. (corresponds to MSc & PhD) |
pdf-cv: | Full CV |
Stefan Rank
Some of the previous projects I was involved in:
Development and application of computational models of affective behavior, at different levels of granularity, for interactive applications in new media and appliances in everyday life. Implementations in software agents for interactive entertainment and agent-based simulation, for a narrative purpose in (virtual or real) environments, and the study of the implications of affective processes for controlling intelligent agents in general.
Areas: Intelligent Software Agents, Affective Computing, New Media, Game Design, AI and Interactive Entertainment, Pedagogical Applications, Human-Computer Interaction, Multi-Agent Based Simulation, Interactive Narrative, Privacy, User Modelling.
Winter terms: Models of Personality and Emotions (VU 901.967 & SE 901.968), Projectseminar in Cognitive Science (PJ+SE 180.041) and supervision of theses
for the MEi:CogSci curriculum (Middle European interdisciplinary master programme in Cognitive Science)
This is a selection of recent publications, presentation slides, and posters. Use the search for a full list of publications.
In case there is not yet a suitable link to an online version that you can access, please contact me by email for a copy!
If no web-link is provided, please contact me directly for details and availability.